Atlantic Salmon

RYABAGA CAMP, PONOI, RIVER – Atlantic Salmon on the Kola

In the middle of the rugged tundra sits the amazing Ryabaga Camp on the Ponoi River, Russia. It's an incomparable place if you consider the river averages 30 or more Atlantic Salmon per-rod per week and has done so for more than 20 years.

YAKUTIA, SIBERIA – A mammoth journey in search of taimen

A journey of mammoth proportions covering more that 1000 kilometers on the Lena River, crossing the Arctic Circle twice, fishing 10 far-flung Siberian rivers targeting big taimen, lennok, grayling, pike and the first fly caught Russian nelma.

LENA RIVER, YAKUTIA PROVINCE – Northern Siberian Taimen

A journey of mammoth proportions covering more that 1000 kilometers on the Lena River, crossing the Arctic Circle twice, fishing 10 far-flung Siberian rivers targeting big taimen, lennok, grayling, pike and the first fly caught Russian nelma.

FORCE 12 – Columbia PFG fly fishing Alphonse Island, Seychelles

From Key West to the Seychelles, performance fishing isn’t just about the perfect catch. It’s also about preserving fragile underwater ecosystems for future generations to fish. Alphonse Island is a true example of conservation and preservation, which is echoed through…

TUGUR RIVER – Tugursky Reserve, Giant Eastern Siberian Taimen

The Tugur River, a remote watershed 500 miles northwest of the city of Khabarovsk on the eastern side of Russia. Deep in the Russian Far East and part of the Turgusky Resevre, it's a place with huge hucho taimen that feed on large pink salmon.
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